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Celebrating Women in Construction Week  

Many Paths, One Mission  

Women in Construction (WIC) Week, March 5-11, 2023, recognizes the roles and contributions of women in the construction industry. The 2023 theme — Many Paths, One Mission — focuses on the different journeys women have taken. And while different, each works toward one goal: strengthening and amplifying the success of women in this industry.  

At Ronco Construction, we’re building a diverse workforce with 7% of our workforce as female in both office and field-based roles. We sat down with each one to gain their perspective on WIC Week and the industry itself. 

Here’s what they said.  

Ashley N. | Accounting and Strategic Initiatives Manager  

In accounting, numbers are numbers and the job itself doesn’t really change. But in the construction industry, accounting processes connect to a project that’s literally built before my eyes. And even though I’m not physically building the structure, I get to be a part of the team, and can say, “I helped on that project.” In my position, I get to see both sides of the business and get the big picture view of how everything connects. For me personally, the construction industry has made me – a self-proclaimed introvert – come out of my shell and embrace my inner assertive self. I love the casualness of the culture, and I also love we’re all working toward the same goals – safety, strengthening our people and building up our communities.  

Becky H. | Director of Strategic Partnerships

While I have experience on the creative and design side of construction, in my new role, I’m able to experience all phases of a project – from initial concept and preconstruction, through to the design and build phases. It’s amazing the number of individuals and roles involved to bring projects to fruition and be successful. No one person makes a project successful. But rather everyone who touches the project is vital to its outcome. The construction process is complex, so having established relationships and partnerships is crucial. This truly is an industry where, “teamwork makes the dream work.” And I’m excited to be a role model and empower the younger female generation. You don’t have to swing a hammer to make a name for yourself. There are many opportunities for females that are overlooked. This industry wasn’t in my “career plan” so I want to inspire women to be confident and let their strengths create opportunities. 

Kaylee T. | Project Engineer  

When people ask me what I do, the response is always the same. “That’s so cool.” And it totally is. I get to feel like a bada$$. When I drive around town, I get to say, “I built that,” and know I’m making a lasting impact in my community. As another plus, there’s job security because there’s always going to be a need to build something. And, because it’s a male-dominated field, there are plenty of scholarships available. To anyone considering entering the construction field with your eyes wide open. Be humble and curious — always be asking questions. People want to teach the next generation so use that to your advantage. Know that you might feel out of your element at first, but that’s ok. As a young 20-year-old, it might be hard to make small talk with the older generation, but find the common ground and build on that. There are endless opportunities for women in construction, so do it. Be the bada$$ and build cool stuff.  

Kerrie A. | Senior Accountant  

I never wanted to do anything other than teaching. My degree is in elementary education, and after college I started out in the field. But plans change and I’m so fortunate this path landed in my lap because I enjoy working with numbers. The theme this year (Many Paths, One Mission) rings true because so many people don’t think an accounting department is a crucial part of building a structure. It’s all field work, right? But the fact is, someone paid for or needs to be paid for everything that goes into a project. While the field is building the structure, the accounting team is on the other side making sure the numbers are right. 

Steph O. | Communication Manager  

People in the construction industry are some of the smartest and hardest working individuals I’ve had the privilege to work with. And I love that I get to tell their story. Our staff — from preconstruction to the field — take complex, challenging projects and make them a reality. They’re literally building our future from the ground up, preserving our history or breathing new life into existing spaces. And they do it all with the same level of creativity, tenacity, and heart. It’s amazing to see what they make happen day in, day out. Marketing and communication tactics are similar across industries. It’s the right message, to the right people, at the right time. But it’s the story and the people that can make your job go from work to passion. And this industry has good stories to tell and amazing people to know.  

Women in construction are making significant strides and leaving their mark on the industry, just like the five women at Ronco. From sales and relationship building, to marketing and communications, to employee relations and accounting, there are endless opportunities. On top of the obvious ones like project management, project engineers, jobsite superintendents and trades workers. Organizations like the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) and awareness initiatives like WIC Week supply resources, networking opportunities, and mentorship programs so women can continue to make an impact and succeed in this field. By celebrating Women in Construction Week, we can recognize the achievements and contributions of every woman who blazed the trail and encourage more women to consider careers in this exciting and rewarding industry.

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John Doe

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